Goal of the Project:

Poverty reduction through community based inclusive development and contributes to Sustainable Development Goals in Eastern India.

Specific objectives :
  1. To promote social and economic inclusion of PWDs by securing sustainable livelihood opportunities, rehabilitation services and establishing Community Based Institutions of PWDs in Bihar, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh states by 2020.
  2. Promoted sustainable livelihood opportunities for 21500 PWDs through enhanced skills and improved access to capital investment by 2020.
  3. 21,000 PWDs including the Children with Disabilities (CwDs) have improved access to affordable rehabilitation services and their entitlements by 2020.
  4. DPOs and inclusive SHGs are formed, strengthened and federated at Block and district levels, established networking and involve in advocacy by 2020.
Overall result :
  1. Project induced annual income of 7500 PWDs (25% of the adult PWDs) increased from average Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 20,000/-.
  2. Improved quality of life and social inclusion of 21,000(70% of total) PWDs in the target area.
Specific result :
  1. Attitudinal change towards PWDs leading to reduction in exclusion, stigma, barriers in the community.
  2. Attitudinal change towards PWDs leading to reduction in exclusion, stigma, barriers in the community.
  3. 30,000 of People with Disability are aware of their rights and entitlements and access the same.
  4. Nearly 90% PWDs (27,000 PWDs) are mainstreamed into the society by medical rehabilitation, vocational training, skill training, enhanced livelihood, employment & income.
  5. Reduced vulnerabilities associated with poverty and livelihood and 30% of the adult PWDs (about 7500 PWDs’ families) are no longer specified as living below national poverty lines.
  6. DPOs are federated at 20 blocks and 5 districts levels and established linkages and mutual collaboration with relevant govt. departments/ financial institutions and mobilized different government schemesand entitlements.
  7. Improvedaccess to inclusive education of 5760 (3-14 years) children with disabilities.
  8. DPOs established network & linkages with relevant groups at state and national level and involve in advocacy for policy change, proper implementation and access to their rights.
  9. Parents of PWDs, community and the relevant stakeholders are aware of issues concerning PWDs in 2342 villages and participate in PWDs inclusive development.
  10. Increased 20% participation of PWDs in local bodies.
  11. Nearly 80% of PWDs (About 24,000 PWDs) and their families are aware of different orders, notifications, provisions, schemes, legal aspects pertaining to them and access their rights and entitlements.
  12. Govt. officials, teachers, local health personnel and service providers in the target area are aware of disability related acts, policies, schemes, provisions and facilitate in inclusion and development of PWDs.
  13. Parents of PWDs, community and the relevant stakeholders are aware of issues concerning PWDs in 2342 villages and participate in PWDs inclusive development.
  14. Increased 20% participation of PWDs in local bodies.
  15. Nearly 80% of PWDs (About 24,000 PWDs) and their families are aware of different orders, notifications, provisions, schemes, legal aspects pertaining to them and access their rights and entitlements.
  16. Govt. officials, teachers, local health personnel and service providers in the target area are aware of disability related acts, policies, schemes, provisions and facilitate in inclusion and development of PWDs.
  17. 6500 PwDs have access to skill/vocational /skill up gradation training and individualized livelihood rehabilitation plans of nearly 8,000 PWDs prepared for their economic inclusion.
  18. 4500 PwDs have access to capital fund for initiating different livelihood opportunities leading toincreased income, food and nutrition security.
  19. 500 PWDs secure employment opportunities through Employment Fair, MGNREGA, and Centre.
  20. Economic rehabilitation of 2,000 PWDs through convergence and linkages with relevant Govt. schemes, NABARD and financial institutions for access to loan and financial services.
  21. Approx. 8,500 PWDs (including CwDs and WwDs) are benefited by medical /certification camp and early detection.
  22. Nearly 4000 Children 3-6 years and 6-14 years are enrolled in Anganwadi and school respectively and about 2500 CwDs have access to inclusive education.
  23. Individual early intervention and medical Rehabilitation plans of 6500 PwD prepared and assisted them in their rehabilitation.
  24. About 7000 PWDs including CwDs and their families have access to O & M,ADL, therapeutic interventions, counsellingand home based education/training facilities.
  25. Nearly 3000 PWDs have access to Aids & appliances and assistive devices for their rehabilitation.
  26. Nearly 10,000 persons have benefited by corrective / cataract surgeries, ENT camps.
  27. 900 villages level DPOs/SHGs are formed and federated at 20 Blocks and 6 Districts levels for the development and rehabilitation of PWDs.
  28. Nearly 900 DPO leaders are aware of legal aspects, CBR, advocacy processes and are involved in advocacy and lobbying.
  29. DPOs Federations established linkages and network with relevant groups at state and national level for the development and rehabilitation of PWDs.
  30. Nearly 350 SHGs have established linkages with financial institutions and mobilize support to meet their credit needs.